Stochastic vertex models and symmetric functions (Alexey Bufetov , MIT)

06.11.2017 15:15

I will discuss recently found connections between vertex models (such as the six-vertex/square ice model) and the theory of symmetric functions (in particular, Hall-Littlewood functions). There are two types of applications. On a probabilistic side, these connections allow to analyze the asymptotic behavior of certain vertex models (as well as their degenerations like the asymptotic simple exclusion process) with the use of explicit formulas for their observables. On a combinatorial side, we obtain natural generalizations of the classical Robinson Schensted-Knuth algorithm. Based on joint works with A. Borodin, K. Matveev, L. Petrov, M. Wheeler.


Room 17, Séminaire "Mathématique Physique"

Organisé par

Section de mathématiques


Alexey Bufetov, MIT

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire