Target elucidation through target degradation: Discovery of BET bromodomains as the target of Hedgehog Pathway Inhibitor 1

Target elucidation through target degradation: Discovery of BET bromodomains as the target of Hedgehog Pathway Inhibitor 1

30.05.2023 11:00 – 12:00

Invited by Pre Miriam Stoeber


Bâtiment: CMU

Room B04.2222 and Video-conference (

Organisé par

Département de physiologie cellulaire et métabolisme
Evénements de la Faculté de médecine


Pre Sascha Hoogendoorn, Faculty of Science, University of Geneva

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire

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20230530_SEMINAIRE EXTERNE_Sascha Hoogendoorn.pdf58.2 Kb