Symposium in honour of Dominique Muller - "From synaptic structure to neuronal dysfunction"


Dear All,

Please make your calendars on April 19th for a one day symposium in honour of Dominique Muller, who passed away three years ago.

Under the title “From synaptic structure to neuronal dysfunction” we have put together a program with international speakers discussing questions Dominique was particularly interested in.

Participation is free, but registration is mandatory on a first-come first-serve basis.

Please send your Name, First Name and affiliation to missing email.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Jeantet Auditorium in Geneva.

Jozsef Kiss
Alexandre Pouget
Anthony Holtmaat
Christian Lüscher


Auditoire Louis-Jeantet
Route de Florissant 77

Organisé par

Département de neurosciences fondamentales

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire

Fichiers joints

a4-affiche dominique_sm.pdf770.6 Kb