Talk Lauri Nummenmaa (Lecture series)

12.03.2019 12:15 – 13:30

Mapping emotions in the brain and body

Emotions prepare us for action. They organize our lives by automatically orienting actions and modulating approach-avoidance motivation. In this talk I discuss how emotions can be understood from the perspective of systemic activation patterns across multiple levels of analysis. I describe our work based on machine learning showing that specific emotions and their expressions have discrete neural signatures in the brain. Such emotion-specific patterns are also found for culturally universal “feeling fingerprints” of bodily sensations, which determine the organization of our subjective feelings. Finally, I discuss recent advances in molecular imaging of specific emotions in vivo in humans and show how the endogenous opioid and dopamine systems contribute to human positive emotions and sociability. Altogether these studies suggest a, clear and consistent categorical structure of emotions across multiple levels of analysis and point towards a key role of the mesolimbic opioid and dopamine circuits in human emotion functions.


Bâtiment: Campus Biotech

H8.01 D

Organisé par

Centre interfacultaire en sciences affectives (CISA)


Lauri Nummenmaa , Turku PET Centre, Finland

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire

Mots clés: CISA, emotion

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