Advances in Hall and thermal Hall transport theory of strongly correlated metals and superconductors.
14.03.2023 13:00 – 14:30
Simpli_cations of Kubo formulas [1,2] and a revised theory of superconducting ux
ow [3], allow us to compute Hall coe_cients and explain Hall anomalies generically ob-
served near Mott insulators [4], and Hall sign reversals in layered superconductors caused
by moving vortex charge.
[1] A.A., Phys. Rev. B 99, 115115 (2019).
[2] N. Bashan and A.A., Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 036601 (2022).
[3] A.A., D. P. Arovas, SciPost Phys. 8 , 061 (2020).
[4] Ilia Khait, Sauri Bhattacharyya, Abhisek Samanta, A.A., arXiv:2302.00664.
Bâtiment: Ecole de Physique
Auditoire Stuckelberg
Organisé par
Faculté des sciencesDépartement de physique de la matière quantique
Assa Auerbach, professeurentrée libre
Catégorie: Séminaire