Imaging of the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface using the scanning near- eld optical microscopy technique - From storage to preservation of research data: the Yareta Data Repository

19.11.2019 13:00 – 15:00

The LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface hosts a conducting two-dimensional electron system (2DES) with
many interesting properties such as superconductivity [1]. Many of the 2DES properties were found
to be tunable using an electric eld [1].
Despite almost 15 years of research in this eld, there are still several open questions and many of
them concern the presence of local variations of the 2DES properties. In particular, the interplay
between the electronic properties of the interface and the tetragonal domains present in SrTiO3
below 105 K received some attention [2].
Here, we address these questions using the scanning near- eld optical microscope (SNOM) available
in our department and able to work between room temperature and 5 K [3].
We rst demonstrate that this technique is able to discriminate eciently between conducting and
insulating interfaces both at room and low temperature. Then, we focus on the optical response of
the system below 70 K, where we observe temperature and gate-dependent modulations of the
near- eld amplitude, which might be related to the tetragonal domains of SrTiO3.


In line with national and international research policies, funders require that raw data accompanying
a publication are publicly accessible in digital database. Data management can be seen as a
time-consuming activity without any bene t for researchers. Yet, data preservation is strongly
expected to improve research valorisation through data dissemination, reuse and citation.
To address these concerns, academic institutions are developing new support services for providing
researchers with tools, resources, expertise and guidance throughout their research data life cycle.
As part of such development, Yareta, powered by the DLCM technology (, constitutes a
new research data repository that allows to archive, preserve and share research data.
Yareta, which is available for all Geneva's higher institutions, is open, modular and
exible for
long-term preservation, built on archival standards, compliant with data management policies (FAIR
principles), and delivers DOI for publishers. The automatic assessment of le formats and
user-de ned access levels to datasets are also proposed to suit di erent research needs and practices.


Bâtiment: Ecole de Physique

Auditoire Stueckelberg

Organisé par

Département de physique de la matière quantique


Margherita BOSELLI, Dr. Group of Prof. Jean-Marc Triscone - UNIGE
Hugues CAZEAUX, Division du système et des technologies de l'information et de la communication
Caroline WILHEM, Division du système et des technologies de l'information et de la communication
Pierre-Yves BURGI, Division du système et des technologies de l'information et de la communication

entrée libre


Catégorie: Forum