Talk Antoine Lutz (Lecture series)

Talk Antoine Lutz (Lecture series)

09.03.2021 12:15 – 13:15

"Meditation and pain from the lenses of phenomenology and neurosciences”

An early Buddhist account describes pain as being composed of two distinct “arrows”: an immediate physical sensation and an aversive dimension linked to negative mentation. It is claimed that although negative mentation often habitually follows awareness of unpleasant physical stimuli, this need not be necessarily so, as for individuals trained in mindfulness meditation, it is possible to uncouple sensory and affective pain dimensions, such that the physical component can be fully experienced without concomitant emotional distress. In this presentation, we will review clinical and experimental studies which have investigated the phenomenology and cognitive and neural mechanisms of pain regulation in mindfulness meditation. From this literature, we will discuss the regulatory mechanisms by which mindfulness meditation could regulate affects.

Antoine Lutz is a research director at INSERM in the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CNRL). He did his PhD in cognitive neurosciences in Paris, with F. Varela. During his postdoctoral work with R. Davidson, at the University of Madison-Wisconsin, he pioneered the neuroimaging study of meditation. In 2008, Davidson and him were awarded a NIH-NCCAM grant to fund the first American Center of Excellence on Research dedicated to neurophysiological study of meditation. At the CRNL since 2013, his research group focuses on investigating the neurophysiological basis of mindfulness and compassion meditations and their impact on consciousness, attention and emotion regulations, and pain perception as measured by cognitive, affective and social neuroimaging paradigms using EEG, MEG, intra-cortical EEG, and fMRI. This research is funded by an European ERC consolidator grant (Brain&Mindfulness). He is a work package leader in a European research consortium investigating the impacts of meditation practices on ageing and well-being (Meditageing, H2020, PI G. Chételat). He participates in the ANR MindMadeClear (PI H. Mounier) on neurocomputation and meditation.


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Centre interfacultaire en sciences affectives (CISA)


Antoine Lutz, Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, INSERM

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Catégorie: Séminaire

Mots clés: CISA, méditation, pain

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