Universal edge transport in 2d topological insulators (Marcello Porta, International School for Advanced Studies)

24.05.2024 09:00 – 10:00

In this talk I will review the application of rigorous renormalization group methods to the study of charge transport in interacting gapless fermionic lattice models, of relevance for condensed matter physics. I will outline a strategy that has been used over the years to compute the response functions of a wide class of systems, and to prove universality. I will focus on the case of edge currents for interacting 2d topological insulators, which fall into the universality class of the multichannel Luttinger model. I will discuss how the RG analysis, combined with lattice and emergent Ward identities, can be used to prove the quantization of the edge conductance, implying in particular the validity of the bulk-edge duality for interacting 2d quantum Hall systems.


Bâtiment: Conseil Général 7-9

Room 1-05, Séminaire "Maths-Physique"

Organisé par

Section de mathématiques


Marcello Porta, International School for Advanced Studies

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire