Talk Andrea Scarantino (CISA lecture series)

19.12.2024 16:15 – 17:15

Emotions and Direction of Fit: Descriptive, Imperative or Both?

The dominant view about emotions is that they have a descriptive, mind-to-world direction of fit. This is true for judgmentalist and perceptualist theories of emotions but also, somewhat surprisingly, for Deonna and Teroni’s attitudinal theory. In this talk, I will argue that we should think of emotions as essentially having an imperative, world-to-mind direction of it. I will investigate how descriptive and imperative directions of fit may co-exist and be coordinated in emotional episodes, ultimately making the case that emotions have a dual direction of fit. This descriptive-cum-imperative direction of fit gives rise to two dimensions of normative assessment. Are emotions occurring when they are supposed to? Are emotions bringing about what they are supposed to? I will conclude by exploring the implications of this model with respect to emotion regulation.




Meeting ID: 645 3217 7183
Passcode: 954331


Bâtiment: Campus Biotech


Organisé par

Centre interfacultaire en sciences affectives (CISA)


Andrea Scarantino , Georgia State University

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire

Mots clés: CISA, Emotions, Emotions regulation, Emotion coordination

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