DQMP Forum - Felix Eder - Giacomo Sala

15.10.2024 13:00 – 14:00

Crystal Growth and Anisotropic Magnetic Properties of Incommensurately Modulated K1−xCrSe2 (x ≈ 0.13)
Felix Eder, Group of prof. von Rohr

Magnetic van der Waals materials receive growing interest, since their exfoliability down to the atomiclimit allows for the exploration of 2D magnetism. Using a mixed K/Se flux method, we were able to grow large single crystals of previously unknown under-stoichiometric K1–xCrSe2 (x ≈ 0.13). The basic structure of K1–xCrSe2 consists of the same structural features as K1–xCrSe2 [1]. However, as manifested by intense satellite reflections in single crystal X-ray diffraction measurements, it is incommensurately modulated (modulationvector q = 0.2675(4)a∗–0.1585(4)c∗). Magnetization measurements on oriented single crystals reveal strong magnetic anisotropy and transition at a much higher ordering tempera-ture than in KCrSe2.
In this talk, I will present how a slight compositional devia-tion in K-content leads to a very different crystal structure, a significant change in magnetic properties and incommensu-rate structural modulation, which can be explained by simple structure-chemical influences.
[1] C. van Bruggen, R. Haange, G. Wiegers, D. de Boer, Physica B+C 99, 166 (1980).

The Quantum Metric of Spin-momentum-locked Bands
Giacomo Sala, Group of prof. Caviglia

Electronic responses are governed by the geometry of electronic wavefunctions. These properties are encoded in the quantum metric and Berry curva-ture, which are respectively the real and imaginary parts of the quantum geometric tensor. In compar-ison to the Berry curvature, which has been probed in several physical systems, the quantum metric has rarely been observed [1-2]. Here [3], we theoret-ically predict and experimentally show that spin-momentum locking – a property of surfaces and in-terfaces of materials with spin-orbit coupling – is en-dowed with a finite quantum metric that activates a nonlinear magnetoresistance at the (111)-oriented LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. The concomitant detec-tion of the quantum metric and Berry curvature al-lows us to sense the full quantum geometric tensor in a nonmagnetic material. These findings reveal the importance of the quantum geometry for a vast class of materials.
[1] Gao, Science 381, 181 (2023).
[2] Wang, Nature 621, 487 (2023).
[3] Sala, in review.


Bâtiment: Ecole de Physique

Auditoire Stückelberg

Organisé par

Section de physique
Département de physique de la matière quantique


Felix EDER, Group of prof. von Rohr
Giacomo SALA, Group of prof. Caviglia

entrée libre


Catégorie: Forum