On an inside out Pontryagin-Thom collapse map (Ödül TETIK, University of Vienna)

22.10.2024 15:30 – 16:30

Lurie described how bordisms can be evaluated functorially (using factorization homology), given only the algebra of local observables in the bulk of a classical or quantum theory. I'll give a way, in depth 1, to extend this to an evaluation of defects. It is based on an "inside-out" version of the Pontryagin-Thom collapse map. The latter is a map associated to any defect submanifold, and was given originally in the case where the submanifold has a normal framing, realising the well-known equivalence between framed bordism groups and homotopy groups of spheres. It has an extension to cases where there is no normal framing. However, a similar extension of its inside-out version, which would let us evaluate defects with no normal framing, still needs to be found.


Bâtiment: Conseil Général 7-9

Room 1-07, Séminaire "Groupes de Lie et espaces de modules"

Organisé par

Section de mathématiques


Ödül Tetik, University of Vienna

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire

Mots clés: Groupes de Lie, collapse map