Universal thermalization dynamics in (1+1)d QFTs
18.02.2025 14:00 – 15:00
Interacting quantum field theories typically thermalize, leading to the emergence of hydrodynamics at late times. I will talk about (1+1)d QFTs at high and low temperatures, where the proximity to a CFT results in parametrically slow thermalization, with much of the associated dynamics tractable. I will first explain how the UV effective theory – conformal perturbation theory – breaks down universally at late times due to the unsuppressed exchange of stress tensors, giving room for hydrodynamics to emerge. Specialising to the case of large central charge, I will then argue that the IR effective theory – hydrodynamics -- has universal transport coefficients and use this to show that it breaks down at early times due to the existence of thermal CFT excitations. The timescales at which the two effective theories break down agree.
Bâtiment: Ecole de Physique
Organisé par
Département de physique théoriqueIntervenant-e-s
Richard Davison, Heriot Watt Universityentrée libre
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