Finite-coupling spectrum of O(N) model in AdS
27.03.2025 11:00 – 12:30
We determine the scaling dimensions in the boundary CFTd corresponding to the O(N) model in EAdS in (d+1)-dimensions. The CFT data accessible to the 4-point boundary correlator of fundamental fields are extracted in d=2 and d=4, at a finite coupling, and to the leading nontrivial order in the 1/N expansion. We focus on the non-singlet sectors, namely the anti-symmetric and symmetric traceless irreducible representations of the O(N) group, extending the previous results that considered only the singlet sector. Studying the non-singlet sector requires an understanding of the crossed-channel diagram contributions to the s-channel conformal block decomposition. Building upon an existing computation, we present general formulas in d=2 and d=4 for the contribution of a t-channel conformal block to the anomalous dimensions of s-channel double-twist operators, derived for external scalar operators with equal scaling dimensions. Up to some technical details, this eventually leads to the complete picture of 1/N corrections to the CFT data in the interacting theory.
Bâtiment: Ecole de Physique
Organisé par
Département de physique théoriqueIntervenant-e-s
Jonáš Dujavaentrée libre
Catégorie: Séminaire