Cet événement appartient à: Libérez vos idées - Une semaine pour découvrir l'entrepreneuriat (13.11.2017 – 17.11.2017)

From one work life stage to another

13.11.2017 14:15 – 16:00

Are you going from being a student to entrepreneur, from the "corporate" world to entrepreneur, or from either of them and back to studying? As our society is changing rapidly, it's important to reflect, understand and set our own expectations for our future and make the transitions as simple and smooth as possible. We will discuss challenges, opportunities, similarities, differences and personal experiences in an open debate with the intent to assist everybody on their journey from one work life stage to another.

Johan Franzen, Founder of Entnest

Organisation: Entnest


Bâtiment: Uni Mail


Organisé par

Université de Genève
Organisations partenaires de l'UNIGE

entrée libre


Catégorie: Table ronde

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