Geodesic submanifolds in hyperbolic manifolds (Jean-François Lafont, Ohio State University)
10.07.2018 10:30
I will give a quick overview of the various constructions of hyperbolic manifolds -- both arithmetic and non-arithmetic. I will then focus on questions concerning closed totally geodesic submanifolds immersed inside hyperbolic manifolds. For some arithmetic examples, I'll explain why one can find arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions in the primitive length spectrum (joint work with McReynolds). For some non-arithmetic examples, I'll explain why there are only finitely many totally geodesic codimension one immersed submanifolds (joint with Fisher, Miller, and Stover). This talk is intended for a general audience, so will focus more on the key ideas of the proofs.
Room 623, Séminaire "Groupes et Géométrie"
Organisé par
Section de mathématiquesIntervenant-e-s
Jean-François Lafont, Ohio State Universityentrée libre