Borel-Haefliger type theorems (Akos Matszangosz, University of Budapest)

20.07.2018 11:00

Abstract: In this talk I will discuss two applications of the theorems of Borel-Haefliger: enumerative geometry and Thom polynomials. In particular, they imply that the number of solutions to a real enumerative problem is the same as the number of complex solutions, mod 2.

The modern proof of these theorems uses equivariant cohomology, and involves conjugation spaces introduced by Hausmann-Holm-Puppe. I will introduce an analogue of conjugation spaces called circle spaces, and discuss the corresponding Borel-Haefliger theorems, in particular what more than parity can we say about real Schubert calculus.

This is joint work with László Fehér."
This is based on joint work with Lucia López de Medrano and Felipe Rincón.


Bâtiment: Battelle

Séminaire de la Tortue

Organisé par

Section de mathématiques


Akos Matszangosz, University of Budapest

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire