Water Diplomacy: Building Bridges for Lasting Peace
09.11.2018 09:30 – 13:00
The Geneva Water Hub's Platform for International Water Law and the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva are pleased to invite you to a Conference on « Water Diplomacy: Building Bridges for Lasting Peace ».
The Conference will cover the multiple challenges of the nexus between water, peace and security both from the science, legal and governance standpoint. It will include two segments:
1. Threatened critical water infrastructure and peacebuilding;
2. Transboundary water cooperation and local governance mechanisms.
The objectives of the Conference will be twofold:
1. To discuss the opportunities of water as a resource for peacebuilding;
2. To address good practices of water management mechanisms to prevent tensions at the local and international levels.
World Meteorological Organisation
7bis Avenue de la Paix
1202 Geneva
Organisé par
Faculté de droitDépartement de droit international public et organisation internationale
Institut des sciences de l'environnement (ISE)
Organisations partenaires de l'UNIGE
entrée libre
Date limite d'inscription: 06.11.2018