An (other one) introduction to Python (Thibaut Lunet, University of Geneva)

01.04.2019 17:00

You may have heard of it, you may fear it, love it, or simply you just do not care ... in any case, the Python graduate seminar is back !
Why ? Because it is fun ! And also has a large probability to be useful in you future career.
Python is not only one programming language in an ocean of other solutions (Matlab, Mathematica, R, ...) : it is a license-free solution, providing numerous package for mathematical applications, among them linear algebra, optimization, data visualization, symbolic computation, and many other ... its application scope goes even way beyond scientific computing, and present similarities with many other programming languages.
Furthermore, Python is supported by a huge community, which provides quick answers to any of your question when you write it on a Google research bar.

In this seminar, we intend to introduce the main features of Python programming, by means of on-hand examples and applications during which each participant could try some basic Python coding on their personal laptop.
Hence it is highly recommended to bring your own laptop, and to install on it, prior to the seminar, to install the Anaconda distribution for Python 3.6 (see :, in order to provide the main Python packages and the Spyder development editor.
Three main themes will be covered :
- what is Python, and what's hide behind it
- basics Python programming (variables, functions, loops, ...)
- introduction on Object Oriented Programming for polynomials computation


Room 17, Séminaire des doctorants

Organisé par

Section de mathématiques


Thibaut Lunet, University of Geneva

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire

Mots clés: graduate seminar

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