Simplical Volume of one-relator groups (Nicolaus Heuer, University of Oxford)
12.03.2019 10:30
A one-relator group is a group which admits a group presentation with a single relator r. These groups form a rich and well-studied class of groups in Geometric Group Theory.
I will introduce a notion of simplicial volume for one-relator groups and discuss a strong connection between this invariant and the stable commutator length of the defining relation r. This allows us to explicitly compute this volume in many cases.
As an application I will construct manifold with small but non-zero simplicial volume.
This is joint work with Clara Löh (University of Regensburg).
Room 623, Séminaire "Groupes et Géométrie"
Organisé par
Section de mathématiquesIntervenant-e-s
Nicolaus Heuer, University of Oxfordentrée libre