14 mars: Jeudis de la Faculté - Cycle Frontiers in Biomedicine, prof. Costagliola

14 mars: Jeudis de la Faculté - Cycle Frontiers in Biomedicine, prof. Costagliola

14.03.2019 12:30 – 13:30

Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire en biologie humaine et moléculaire (IRIBHM)
Faculté de médecine, Université libre de Bruxelles

«ES cells for modelling thyroid development and disease»

«Our next Frontiers in Biomedicine seminar will be given by Dr. Sabine Costagliola. For a long time, her lab has focused on the role of the thyroid during development, but she has recently re-focused her research on thyroid organogenesis. Using several approaches, from zebrafish to embryonic stem (ES) cells, she is now trying to understand the development of this organ, as well as model thyroid-related disorders.

In this seminar, she will show how her lab developed an in vitro model of thyroid differentiation from ES cells into functional follicles producing thyroid hormones (Antonica et al. 2012; Antonica et al. 2017). Even more fascinating, she will show how they could, by knocking-out a single gene, redirect the differentiation of these ES cells towards the pulmonary fate and produce lungs in a dish, organized in 3D-tubular branched structures.

This organoid system represents a great potential to study the lung and thyroid tissues. Be curious and make sure you attend her talk: Thursday March 15th at 12:30PM in C150!»

Prof. Julien Bertrand, Host
Department of Pathology and Immunology
Faculté de médecine UNIGE


Bâtiment: CMU

Auditoire A. Franceschetti (C150)

Organisé par

Décanat Faculté de médecine


Prof. Sabine COSTAGLIOLA, Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire en biologie humaine et moléculaire (IRIBHM) Faculté de médecine, Université libre de Bruxelles

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire

Mots clés: Jeudis de la Faculté, Frontiers in Biomedicine

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