Take action for a safer world

Take action for a safer world

04.04.2019 16:30 – 18:00

4th April - International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

Panel discussion followed by a cocktail reception. Participants will be able to experience war-torn regions of Afganistan and Iraq via Virtual Reality. Opportunity for students to ask questions about internship opportunities after the event.


Bâtiment: Uni Mail


Organisé par

Relations internationales et partenariats


Marco Sassòli, Professor of International Law at the University of Geneva
H.E. Hans Brattskar, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Norway
Christelle Loupforest, Global Coordinator, Mine Action, UNMAS
Hector Guerra, Director, International Campaign to Ban Landmines
Peter Kolarof, Coordinator, UN Programme of Fellowships on Disarmament, UNODA

entrée libre


Catégorie: Conférence - débat

Mots clés: Mine Action, Disarmament, United Nations, Landmines

Plus d'infos

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Fichiers joints

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