En mémoire d'André Haefliger

En mémoire d'André Haefliger

15.01.2024 – 17.01.2024

Our colleague and friend André Haefliger passed away on 7 March 2023, shortly before his 94th birthday. He played a major role in founding the University of Geneva’s Section of Mathematics and making it renowned, as much by the scientific quality as by the social and friendly generosity that characterised him.


Bâtiment: Uni Dufour


Organisé par

Section de mathématiques


Martin Bridson , (Oxford)
Marc Burger , (ETH Zurich)
David Carchedi , (George Mason)
Yakov Eliashberg , (Stanford)
Rui Fernandes , (Urbana-Champaign)
Étienne Ghys , (ENS Lyon)
Pierre de la Harpe (, (Geneva)
Jean-Claude Hausmann , (Geneva)
André Henriques , (Oxford)
François Laudenbach , (Nantes)
Marc Troyanov , (EPFL)

entrée libre


Catégorie: Conférence

Mots clés: Mathematics


Date limite d'inscription: 30.11.2023

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