Cet événement appartient à: Love Data Week 2024 (12.02.2024 – 16.02.2024)

Data Papers, Data statements: how to visibilize the work you've invested in your data

14.02.2024 09:00 – 09:15

Rendez vous de l'info scientifique, in English, upon registration

- Understand what are Data Statements, and how to write a good one.
- Understand Data Papers' specificities and the logic behind this type of articles

Description: In the context of open research data, we invite you to familiarize yourself with Data Statements & Data Papers. The first ones are included in traditional scientific publications and give additional information regarding the availability of the underlying data, while the second ones are specific publications intended to highlight and document a dataset published somewhere online.

Introduction on why and how to publish your data ?
What are Data statements & papers ?
How are both structured ?
Some practical examples


Online, via Zoom

Organisé par

Division de l'information scientifique
Bibliothèque de l'UNIGE

entrée libre


Date limite d'inscription: 14.02.2024

Registration required: https://dis.unige.ch/portail_dis/formulaire/data-papers-data-statements

Plus d'infos


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