Online Information Session : 4EU+ Visiting Professorships
18.04.2024 16:00 – 17:00
This session is designed to provide prospective applicants with all the important details and insights about the 4EU+ Visiting Professorships programme, highlighting its key objectives and the potential benefits for participants. It will be the perfect platform to address all your queries and have them answered directly by the 4EU+ team.
The 4EU+ Visiting Professorships aims to strengthen academic staff expertise across 4EU+ universities. Visiting Professors are expected to spend a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 3 months at the host university, and they are encouraged to engage in joint projects with staff, students, and doctoral candidates from both host and home universities, expanding the research community.
Organisé par
Relations internationales et partenariatsentrée libre
Catégorie: Séance d'information
Date limite d'inscription: 16.04.2024