A novel toolkit for computing observables in matter interferometry
18.04.2024 13:00 – 14:00
Matter interferometry holds promise as a powerful quantum sensing technique for fundamental physics. From a theoretical standpoint, understanding the observables which can be accessed in these experiments is of paramount importance for computing signatures from, e.g., gravity and scattering of background particles. However, computing these signatures can be problematic due to either the difficulty of applying existing frameworks to proposed interferometer sequences or the inability of such frameworks to account for multi-particle effects that are relevant in the context of scattering. After introducing some tools from open quantum systems and the state-of-the-art coordinate-invariant phase shift calculation for atom interferometry, in this talk I will present two novel formalisms that enable the unambiguous calculation of scattering signatures and general relativistic effects in matter interferometry. Notably, these frameworks are independent of initial state preparation and the form of the metric, respectively. These formalisms pave the way for a unified and transparent approach to computing observables in matter wave interferometry, thus elucidating the similarities and differences between these experiments and laser gravitational wave interferometers/dark matter direct detection experiments.
Bâtiment: Ecole de Physique
Room 234
Organisé par
Département de physique théoriqueIntervenant-e-s
Leonardo Badurina, California Institute of Technologyentrée libre
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