Swiss 3Rs Day 2024 - 3Rs in Oncology

Swiss 3Rs Day 2024 - 3Rs in Oncology

13.06.2024 08:00 – 19:30

The University of Geneva is a member of the 3R Competence Center (3RCC), an association of institutions promoting research to Refine, Reduce, Replace (3R) animal reseach.

With this year 3R day, the 3RCC proposes to focus on the application of the 3Rs in cancer research.

The conference is recognized as 1-day of continuing education.


AGORA Lausanne

Organisé par

Expérimentation animale


Fabienne Ferrara, ConScienceTrain, Berlin
Matthew Leach, Newcastle University
Christian Schnell, Novartis Oncology
Lothar Aicher, Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology
Herwig Grimm, NRP79 President, University of Vienna
Doris Lou Demy, FC3R, France
Nina Hobi, Alveolix
Lauriane Cabon, Roche Institute of Human Biology
Nathalie Brandenberg, Doppl & TBA, Roche Institute of Human Biology
Marcel Kool, University Medical Center Utrecht
Wouter Karthaus, EPFL
Jamie Little, UZH
Christoph Merten, EPFL
Baris Atakan, CSEM
Benita Wolf, CHUV

entrée payante, 180.00 francs


Catégorie: Conférence

Mots clés: 3R, expérimentation animale

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