A century of educational change: Global trends and reform circulations in the 20th century

16.05.2024 16:00 – 18:00

Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à l’évènement gratuit et ouvert au public: « A century of educational change: Global trends and reform circulations in the 20th century », qui se déroulera le jeudi 16 mai de 16h à 18h, à l’Université de Genève (Unimail, salle 5050), suivi d’une verrée.

Il est possible de rejoindre l’évènement en présentiel ou en ligne, pour avoir accès au lien Zoom, merci de contacter : missing email.

"A century of educational change: Global trends and reform circulations in the 20th century", an event co-organized by ERHISE (FPSE, University of Geneva) and UNESCO-IBE

Opening remarks
Simona Popa, UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE)

* "Trends and uses of the World Education Reform Database (WERD)"
Patricia Bromley, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University
Rie Kijima, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto
Lisa Overbey, Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, Stanford University

* "Education for peace and national unity: A global view at the intersectional roles of civic and language education policies"
Camille Fabo, Teachers College, Columbia University

Chair: Émeline Brylinski, ERHISE, FPSE, University of Geneva

A hybrid event. Open to the public but advance registration is highly recommended.
More info: missing email

Coffee and light refreshments will be served.


Bâtiment: Uni Mail

salle M5050

Organisé par

Section des sciences de l'éducation

entrée libre

Plus d'infos


Contact: missing email

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