DQMP Seminar - Prof. Sara Skrabalak - Indiana University
18.06.2024 13:15 – 14:45
Design of Thermally Stable Plasmonic Nanocrystals
Prof. Sara Skrabalak, Department of Chemistry, Indiana University – Bloomington
Gold and silver nanocrystals are common for applications in plasmonics, including in chemical sensing and imaging. Notably, additional metals can be added to bring new functions and enhanced properties. Here, the synthesis of branched gold-palladium nanostructures with defined symmetries will be presented. These nanocrystals have localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) that can be tuned throughout the visible and near-infrared through control of particle size, composition, and fine features such as tip sharpness. Despite the categorization of palladium as a poor plasmonic metal, these nanocrystals display high sensitivity to changes in refractive index as well as thermal stability compared to all-gold analogues. These properties open the possibility of their use in photothermal applications, with electromagnetic simulations revealing that the Pd content, and specifically its spatial distribution within the otherwise gold nanocrystals, has a significant impact on their optical properties and heating efficiency. This insight provides new nanocrystal targets. This insight also highlights the importance of developing new synthetic methods where the distribution of different metals can be precisely controlled within multimetallic nanocrystals and the need for high-throughput means of characterizing nanocrystals, especially at the level of single nanocrystals.
Organisé par : Prof. von Rohr
Bâtiment: Ecole de Physique
Auditoire Stückeberg
Organisé par
Faculté des sciencesDépartement de physique de la matière quantique
Sara Skrabalak, Indiana Universityentrée libre
Catégorie: Séminaire