Heritage on the line. Protecting and Returning Cultural Goods. Spotlight on Ukraine

Heritage on the line. Protecting and Returning Cultural Goods. Spotlight on Ukraine

17.09.2024 16:15 – 18:00

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Nataliia Hendel (National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine)
Discussants: Dr. Luke McDonagh (LSE), Ambre Tissot (University Paris-Saclay), Béatrice Blandin (MAH Genève)
Moderator: Dr. Peter Bille Larsen (University of Geneva)

Roundtable organized in cooperation between the Geneva Heritage Lab and the UNIGE Center for Art Law


Bâtiment: Uni Dufour

Salle 408

Organisé par

Centre du droit de l'art
Pôle/Institut de Gouvernance de l’Environnement et Développement Territorial (GEDT)

entrée libre


Catégorie: Table ronde

Mots clés: Cultural Heritage, International Law

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2024_09_17_Heritage_on_the_Line_Round_Table_Discussion.pdf4.48 MB