The Standard Motel CP Violation is Enough
12.11.2024 14:00 – 15:00
Is the Standard Model Charge-Parity (CP) violation ever enough to generate the observed baryon asymmetry? Yes! In this talk, I present a mechanism of baryogenesis (and dark matter production) that can generate the entire observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe using only the CP violation. Baryogenesis proceeds through a Mesogenesis scenario with additional dark sector dynamics: a morphon field shifts the mass of the particle mediating the decay responsible for baryogenesis. This enhances baryon production while evading present day collider constraints. The CP violation comes entirely from Standard Model contributions to neutral meson systems. The dark dynamics generate gravitational waves that may be searched for with Pulsar Timing Arrays.
Bâtiment: Ecole de Physique
Room 234
Organisé par
Département de physique théoriqueIntervenant-e-s
Rachel Houtz, University of Floridaentrée libre
Catégorie: Séminaire
Mots clés: dpt, High-Energy Physics, high_energy, Cosmology, Dark Matter, Standard model, QCD, Beyond Standard Model
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