Refined Tropical Invariants and Characteristic Numbers (Uriel Sinichkin, Tel-Aviv University)

05.02.2025 14:00 – 16:00

In this talk I will present a generalization of Goettche-Schroeter and Schroeter-Shustin refined counts of tropical curves that splits to a product of terms on small fragments of the curves. This count is invariant in each of the following situations: either genus at most one, or a single contact element, or point conditions in Mikhalkin position. I will compare our results to Mével’s floor diagram approach, and discuss the specialization of the count at q=1, which recovers certain characteristic numbers.

NB: L'orateur sera en zoom


Bâtiment: Conseil Général 7-9

Room 1-07, Séminaire "Géométrie Tropicale"

Organisé par

Section de mathématiques


Uriel Sinichkin, Tel-Aviv University

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire

Mots clés: séminaire, géométrie tropicale