Phase separation in the planar Ising model (Kamil Khettabi, UNIGE)

24.03.2025 16:15 – 18:00

Consider the planar Ising model with - boundary condition and beta>beta_c, h=0. We will study large deviation properties of the magnetization. We will see that for some values of the magnetization, the system creates a bubble of "+" in order to realize the deviation, and that this shape can be determined as the solution of a variational problem.
This can also be seen as providing a description of typical configurations of the Ising lattice gas in the canonical ensemble (that is, with a fixed number of particles).
I'll describe, in an informal way, the strategy of the proof in the classical setting developed in the 1990s. I'll then briefly present current work in progress, which aims at incorporating the effect of a gravitational field.


Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-15, Séminaire Math Physics

Organisé par

Section de mathématiques


Kamil Khettabi, UNIGE

entrée libre


Catégorie: Séminaire

Mots clés: mathématique physique, math physics