The joint spectrum and spectral radius of random products of matrices (Cagri Sert, University of Zurich)
05.05.2020 16:30
I will survey some recent progress on random matrix products theory. In a first part, I will talk about recently introduced notion of joint spectrum, an asymptotic limit shape associated to a bounded set of invertible matrices, and its relevance in random matrix products theory. In a second part, I will focus on the spectral radius of random products and mention two recent theorems: law of large numbers (without irreducibility condition), and for rank one groups, large deviation principle. Based in particular on joint works with Richard Aoun and Emmanuel Breuillard.
Join the Zoom session, Att. heure inhabituelle, Séminaire "Groupes et Géométrie"
Organisé par
Section de mathématiquesIntervenant-e-s
Cagri Sert, University of Zurichentrée libre
Fichiers joints
The notes of Cagri Sert’s talk from May 5.pdf | 1.8 MB |