Managing your research data in accordance with the FAIR principles
12.02.2025 09:00 – 09:15
Rendez-vous de l'info scientifique
Registration required
Objective: To improve the visibility, accessibility and reuse potential of your research data by applying the FAIR principles.
Description: The FAIR Principles are good practices for the optimal dissemination of research data, ensuring its visibility, discoverability and reusability. More and more funders and institutions expect researchers to follow these principles when disseminating their research data.
Online, on zoom
Organisé par
Division de l'information scientifiqueBibliothèque de l'UNIGE
Dimitri Donzéentrée libre
Catégorie: Atelier
Mots clés: données de recherche, open data, FAIR, research data, open science, love data week 2025
Date limite d'inscription: 12.02.2025
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