Depositing your research data in Yareta : Getting started with the institutional tool
13.02.2025 10:15 – 11:45
Rendez-vous de l'info scientifique
Registration required
Goal: Discover how and why deposit datasets in Yareta, the institutional data repository for the University of Geneva
Description: Would you like to publish datasets linked to your research projects or to of of your publications? Does your funder ask you to open your data in a FAIR compliant repository ? This workshop will offer an initiation to Yareta, the data repository available at UNIGE. It allows you to preserve your research data for the long-term (archiving) and - depending on the nature of the data and your choice - to make it accessible to others with more or less restrictions.
Online, on zoom
Organisé par
Division de l'information scientifiqueBibliothèque de l'UNIGE
Dimitri DonzéFloriane Muller
entrée libre
Catégorie: Atelier
Mots clés: Yareta, données de recherche, open science, repository, open data, FAIR, love data week 2025
Date limite d'inscription: 13.02.2025
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